Monday, March 12, 2012

Dr. William Rye p. 25/ 26

A new approach, comment on the following quote from Dr. Rye:
"Man is the deadliest of God's creatures."

Do you agree with Dr. Rye or not? Explain.


  1. That is kinda a hard decision to some degree. We have used ingenuity to create machines such as guns and other deadly weapons, when you don't see the squirrels or anything with guns out in the woods. But, we also have a consense to which helps us make the right decisions or at least feel sympathy and empathy. Wolves will not feel sympathy after they hunt, but also they do this for pure survival we tend to do it (at least for the Civil War) more on disaggrement. I think it does make sense to say that man is the deadliest of all God's creatures because we tend to improve. I mean, we have inventors now sitting in labs trying to invent new ways to kill other people even when it's a matter of disagreement. I know though to that sometimes animal's will fight though also for what they want but I still have to think that there is always on a more survival level. We improve sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. Some of our most famous figures created war machines such as Leonardo da Vinci (he was famous for his paintings but he was involved in many other forms of art and creations)also wolves will not be plotting on better ways to kill the other wolf either like we do.

  2. I don't think that is entirely true that "Man is the deadliest of Gods Creatures." because without all the weapons and equipment they are not that deadly at all they are just like pretty much every other human being. I can see why because back then during the cival war men were pretty much in charge and the woman/girls just did inside/outside work while the men went of to battle.

  3. I think so because we kill each other not for meat, like animals, but because we don't like each other. Also, lie Kassidy said, we don't exactly see little frogs in the pond stalking each other. We don't kill each other for survival, just because we want to.
