Monday, February 13, 2012

Flora Wheelworth Post

The story continues to get more and more complicated. Flora Wheelworth is certainly a southerner. Her daughters have an interesting perspective on the war that is just getting started. What is the perspective of the Wheelworth women? Try to summarize their collective perspective, what do the Wheelworth women think of the Civil War? Why do you think they feel that way?


  1. I think that the Wheelworth women don't want their husbands to die but still feel confident that the Confederacy will win because when the train leaves one of the Wheelworth women says "do try not to soil them" as she hands him a pair of clothes for when they march into Washington. They feel that way because they all own slaves. I know that they own slaves because it said the troops manservants followed them on to the train.

  2. Floral and her daughters husbands have joined the confederacy. They stitch uniforms for there husbands and talk about war. They also light every candle in enjoyment to the confederate's While others don't praise there allegiance with the confederacy. When the soldiers leave on a train the wives think that the war will be over soon and all will be well. But they don't know what happens in war. The perspectives of floral and her daughters are joyed and concerned about the civil war.

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    2. I think your post is very good and I like it when you used very spucefic words.

  3. I think that the Flora Weelworth section is very confusing so it's really hard to write a response even after reading it again and again.

  4. Well one daughter says " Stain your sword to the hilt!" So that daughter is kinda wishing her husbend good luck. So maybe they think it is not the best thing but it is for the good of the con states. I think that because of this quote " Do try not to soil the coat!" What do you think?

  5. I like this but don't forget that they fix old cloths and if I was living in the civil war I would be scared for my live.

  6. The women thought the War was just a big game for the men. They say, "Fight the good Fight." and one woman said, "Do try not to soil the coat!"

  7. I think Flora does not like the war and her 3 daughters husbens were going in the war. I allso think she is scared for her daughters.

  8. don't rip your coat

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  9. " Their needles swoop like swallows up uniforms for their husbands"

  10. The Wheelworth women's perspective on the civil war is that they think it's just to have fun and not get killed "All the talk was about the war, and all the singing." I think they feel that way because there has never been a war before and they have no experience so they don't know if it is good or bad. They obviously think it is a good thing.

    1. Gabby I think that you are making some sense but could you say some more next time?

  11. The Wheelworth women (that's catchy!) feel like war is all one big adventure. They are excited that their husbands are going to fight. They are excited when the make their uniforms, say goodbye and think about the whole thing as exciting. I bet it didn't even cross their minds that their husbands might not be coming back. They are clearly Confederates. They light candles in the windows to prove it. They treat it like it is a good thing. They do not comprehend that the point of going to war is to kill people. The Yankees had the same idea. Their were a group of people as anxious as the Wheelworths, but those people were excited to run the Wheelworth husbands through. The beginning of this chapter could be taken right out of a poetry book. That is the exact opposite of real war. I do not know why they are so excited. Okay, I lied, I do know why, but I pity their ignorance and their inability to look beyond what was set in front of them. This is obviously how they treat anything new. This was only the second major war that America had fought (too bad it was against itself!) and this was obviously how people treated something so new and mysterious. I can imagine them thinking "War...has a ring to it, doesn't it?" It is so sad how far off they were. They probably would never know until the haunted skeletons of their once jubilant husbands returned, if the returned, and they realized what war did to people.

    1. Wow, you really have a lot of emotion in this piece Maci. I agree the, "pity" is a perfect word. They are unaware of the suffering that war brings to people. You state clearly that the suffering is not just the people in battle, they might find it easier, I doubt it though, than the people waiting at home for the letter or the visit from someone explaining how their loved one died. The memory of that loss will stay with forever.

      Regrettably, war is often viewed as a glorious, honorable adventure. Often, men believe that they will achieve greatness, some probably do, most discover that war is more a tragedy waiting to happen.

      Thanks again for writing.

    2. Your right. And they don't send a letter home (oops, probably not from the person) to tell that your husband or someone has died?

    3. wow i agree with everything what do you think will happen next

  12. Wheelworth and her daughters are very confident about there husbands joining the confederate army. They spend most of there time knitting and chatting about the war. They think that the war will be a walk in the park but they don't know what there husbands got them selfs into. When the train leaves women yell to there husbands and wave one says "stain your sword to the hilt!" witch means that they should stab the union men to the hilt.

  13. I think that they are all thinking of there husbands and they are wishing them good luck in the confederate army. I don't think they actually know anything that there husbands have got themselves into. But they must feel confident about themselves too ( the husbands).

  14. I think the wheelworth women are concerned for their husbands and want to help them and the confederate army in any way by making clothes and bandaids for them but I also think they find the war fun because the book said they were singing while stiching up uniforms.

  15. The Wheelworth woman are concerned and really want to help the confederate by sending hem homemade clothes and bandaids. I think they don;t really take the war seriously because the story said that they were singing while they were making the sewing.

  16. I think that the Wentworth women have a bad per. on the war because their husbands went to war.

  17. Flora WheelWorth is a wife of a solider at war, her daughters husbands had gone to war to and all of them were sewing away making suits for their husbands.All the talk was about the war, and every night candles were lit in the windows proclaiming their joy at joining the Confederacy.
    I think that the woman think that the Civil War is a terrible thing going on, for their husbands are at risks of their life and it had been a hard time without them. I would be worried if I were them.

  18. I think that she hates the war like some others just because her husband went to war

  19. i need to know more about FLORA WHEELWORTH, not her daughters.
